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(1 Reviews)
₹ 117 10 % OFF ₹ 130

Khajur, also known as dates, are a wonderfully sweet and nutritious fruit that nature offers. These naturally sweet treats are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients.

  • Tags : khajur , khajoor , dates

Khajur, also known as dates, are a wonderfully sweet and nutritious fruit that nature offers. These naturally sweet treats are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients. Rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fibber, and antioxidants, khajur provide a host of health benefits. Enjoy them as a satisfying snack or incorporate them into your recipes to add natural sweetness and nutrition. Embrace the goodness and natural sweetness of khajur in your daily routine.

  1. Natural Sweetness: Khajur offer a deliciously sweet flavour without the need for added sugars.

  2. Dietary Fibber: Rich in dietary fibber, they promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.

  3. Vitamins and Minerals: Khajur contain essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall well-being.

  4. Energy Boost: The natural sugars in dates provide quick and sustained energy.

  5. Heart Health: Minerals like potassium in dates may help regulate blood pressure and support cardiovascular health.

  6. Bone Strength: Minerals like calcium and magnesium contribute to maintaining strong and healthy bones.

  7. Antioxidant Power: Dates contain antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative stress.

  8. Versatile Use: Enjoy dates as a convenient and natural snack, or use them in recipes for added sweetness and nutrition.

Customer Reviews

2023-09-08 07:29:13

Good One...

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